
Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commision to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Missio Dei Church is committed to local and global missions for the glory of Christ to the ends of the earth. We support the following missions and ministries:

Camp Manitoqua

Camp Manitoqua is a ministry to the southwest suburbs of Chicago and even surrounding states that is invaluable! Manitoqua is one of the ministries that we invest our times, talents and treasures in!

Mark and Laura Ambrose

Mark and Laura serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Together with their mission team, they seek to improve Cambodian lives with active medical outreach, church planting, and discipleship.

Daniel Mitchell

Daniel Mitchell serves in Nagoya, Japan while supporting Japanese pastors as they seek to plant churches. He considers it a great privilege that he gets to serve God’s purposes in building up His people into full maturity in Christ in the country of Japan. Daniel longs for the unity of the church around the world and is thrilled that he gets to worship and live on mission with God’s people in Japan.

Stalnos Family

The Stalnos’s are laying the groundwork for a church plant in the Kankakee area. They host a Bible study at their home on Sunday nights. If you live in the area or would like more information, please contact Pastor Nick Stalnos.