A biblical vision for discipling men:
We must encourage Christ-likeness through one-on-one, small group and large group discipleship. Older Christian men are to deliberately invest in younger Christian men, encouraging their spiritual growth (Titus 2:1).
Our biblical vision can be expanded in two specific ways:
1) we should encourage men to love God’s Word (Psalm 1:2; Joshua 1:8) and his people (Ephesians 4:11-16);
2) we should encourage men to strong, self-sacrificial, servant leadership in the home and the church. Men are called to look like Christ, imitating his life-giving, sacrificial service (Ephesians 5:21-33).
Want to get plugged into this ministry or receive more information? Contact Pastor Mike
Men’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Current study: “The Masculine Mandate” by Richard D. Phillips